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热门话题新词汇R-T  发帖心情 Post By:2002/11/28 9:55:33

燃油附加税 bunker surcharge 染指 reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon 绕圈子 beat around the bush 热岛效应 tropical island effect 人才流失brain drain 人浮于事 overstaffing 人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI) 人海战术 huge-crowd strategy 人机交互 human-computer interaction 人际交往 human communication 人口负增长 negative population growth (NPG) 人均住房 per-capita housing 人类免疫缺陷病毒Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) 人情债 debt of gratitude 认股权证 warrant 任意球 free kick 日本协力银行 Japan Bank For International Cooperation (JBIC) 融资渠道 financing channels 入水时水花很少 clean entry 软新闻 soft news 软着陆 soft landing 塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing. 360度环幕电影 Circamara 三八红旗手 woman pace-setter 三八线 38th Parallel 三步走战略 the three-step development strategy 三大作风 the Party's three important styles of work (integrating theory with practice, forging close links with the masses and practicing self-criticism) "三个代表" "three represents" theory (The Party should always represent the development needs of China's advanced social productive forces, always represent the onward direction of China's advanced culture, and always represent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinese people.) 三个有利于 "three favorables" (whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society, increases the overall strenth of the socialist state and raises the people's living standards 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三好学生 merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health) "三讲"教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气) "three emphases" education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct) 三角恋爱 love triangle 三角债 chain debt 三来一补企业 the enterprises that process raw materials on clients' demands, assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients' samples; or engage in compensation trade. 三连冠 three successive championships 三民主义 the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen 三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty. / At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself. 三通 three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits 三通一平 "three supplies and one leveling"; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development) 三维电影 three-dimensional movie 三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation 三无企业 three-no-enterprises (It refers to enterprises with no capital, no plant, and no administrative structure.) 三下乡 a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers 三资企业 three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures: Sino-foreign joint ventures(中外合资企业), cooperative businesses (中外合作企业) and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises in China(外商独资企业) 三字经 three-character scripture 散户 retail / private investor 桑那浴 sauna "扫黄"、"打非" eliminate pornography and illegal publications 扫尾工作 round-off work; wind-up work 杀手锏 sudden thrust of the mace--one's trump or master card 沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm 山不在高,有仙则名;No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; 《山海经》the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau 商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing 商品条码 bar code 上山下乡 (of educated urban youth) go and work in the countryside or mountain areas 上市 to be listed 上网 to get on the Internet 上有天堂,下有苏杭 Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzou on earth. 少数服从多数、下级服从上级、局部服从全体、全党服从中央 the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee 社会热点问题 hot spots of society 社会治安情况 public security situation 涉外经济 foreign-related business 申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games 身体素质 physique; physical constitution 神州行电话卡 Shenzhou pre-paid card 审时度势 size up the situation 渗透、颠覆和分裂活动 infiltrative, subversive and splittist activities 《生死抉择》 "Live or Die" 生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture 失恋 be disappointed in love; be jilted 失学儿童 dropout 师兄弟 (senior and junior) fellow apprentice 实话实说 speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade 实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. 食品卫生法 Food Hygiene Law of People's Republic of China 实体经济 the real economy 实现零的突破 fulfil the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough 实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to 实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质 promotion of family planning to control the population size and improve the health of the people 实现小康目标 to achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relative comfortable life 时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man. <<史记>> Shi Ji/ Historical Records 市场疲软 sluggish market 市场准入 market access 市盈率p/e (price/earning) ratio 市值 market capitalization 事业单位 public institution 试用期 probationary period 适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight financial policy 适销对路的产品  readily marketable products 适者生存survival of the fittest 世界观、人生观、价值观 world outlook; outlook on life; values 收购兼并merger and acquisition 收视率 audience ratings; television viewing 手机入网费 mobile access fee 首创精神 pioneering spirit 首航 maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship) 首期按揭 down-payment 授信额度 line of credit 受灾地区 disaster-affected are 售后服务 after-sale services 树立企业良好形象 foster a good and healthy company image 刷卡, 划卡 to punch the card; to stamp the card 甩卖 clearance sale; be on sale 涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton 双刃剑 double-edged sword 双向选择 two-way selection, referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 水货 smuggled goods 水墨画 Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting 硕博联读 a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study 司仪 MC (master of ceremonies) 思乡曲 Nostalgia 思想僵铁 fossilized concept 死机 system halted 四大金刚 Four Heavenly Guardians at the entrance to a Buddhism temple; Four Devarajas 四个如何认识 (江泽民总书记在今年6月28日中央思想政治工作会议上发表的重要讲话中,提出并精辟阐述了如何认识社会主义发展的历史进程、如何认识资本主义发展的历史进程、如何认识我国社会主义改革实践过程对人们思想的影响、如何认识当今的国际环境和国际政治斗争带来的影响等当前直接影响干部群众思想活动的重大问题.) In his important address to the Central Ideological and Political Work Conference on June 28 this year, Party General Secretary Jiang Zemin expounds on how to understand the historical process of socialist development; how to understand the historical process of capitalist development; how to understand the impact of China's socialist reform over the people's thinking; how to understand the impact of the current international environment and political struggle. 四十不惑 Life begins at forty. 四项基本原则 the Four Cardinal Principles of adherence to the socialist road, the people's democratic dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought (企业集团的)松散层 loose level (of an enterprise group) 素质教育 education for all-around development 随行就市 prices fluctuating in response to market conditions 抬杠 argue for the sake of arguing; bicker 太空步 moonwalk 摊牌put/lay one’s card on the table 弹性工资 flexible pay 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy 谈判的筹码 bargain chip 陶冶情操 cultivate one's taste (temperament) 逃票 to sneak through without a ticket 逃票者 ticket evader 套利 arbitrage 特别提款权 special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) ; paper gold 特技演员stunt man; stand-in 特色电话机 feature phone 特许税franchise tax 提高农产品收购价格 the government's increase in its procurement prices (for farm products) 替身演员 stunt man/woman; stand-in “跳进黄河洗不清” eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name 跳槽 job-hopping 跳槽者job-hopper 跳蚤市场 flea market 铁饭碗 iron rice bowl 铁哥们 faithful pal;buddies;sworn friend 铁血宰相 iron-and-blood prime minister 厅长 head of a department (under a provincial government) 通存通兑 the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branch bank 通货紧缩 deflation (of currency) 统筹安排 comprehensive arrangement 统一市场 single market 统一税 flat tax, consolidated tax 同等学力 have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academic qualification) 同等学力申请硕士学位统考 general examination for applicants with education background equivalent to college graduates for master's degree 同乡会 an association of fellow provincials or townsmen 筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment 偷渡者stowaway 偷税漏税 tax evasion 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税 tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes 头号种子选手 No.1 seed (player); top seed 投手 pitcher 透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to perceive the essence 土地沙化 desertification of land; desert encroachment 团身 bunch up the body 推广科研成果 turning laboratory achievements into commercial/mass production; commercialization of laboratory achievements 退耕还林还草 grain for green 脱口秀 talk show 脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 脱手 release grip
