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加好友 发短信 洛如花使
等级:解元 帖子:209 积分:540 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2002/12/19 17:00:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/2 17:37:24


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等级:总督 帖子:445 积分:2057 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2003/1/29 22:44:51
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/2 20:51:21

有各的理。不懂政治难道还不懂是非?当初谁仗着有刀有枪入室抢劫科威特来着?这种家伙早该教训!倒是百姓无辜,真为民着想,自觉下台不也是免了许多后来的纷争?可谁肯啊!宁愿 付出人民国家的代价!治理无赖太君子了反而麻烦,不是吗?

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等级:总督 帖子:445 积分:2057 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2003/1/29 22:44:51
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/2 21:51:47


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加好友 发短信 超级猛男
等级:大学士 帖子:8230 积分:28850 威望:0 精华:72 注册:2002/11/16 22:47:34
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/3 0:19:24

以下是引用丛在2003-4-2 20:51:21的发言: 有各的理。不懂政治难道还不懂是非?当初谁仗着有刀有枪入室抢劫科威特来着?这种家伙早该教训!倒是百姓无辜,真为民着想,自觉下台不也是免了许多后来的纷争?可谁肯啊!宁愿 付出人民国家的代价!治理无赖太君子了反而麻烦,不是吗?

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等级:总督 帖子:653 积分:1864 威望:0 精华:7 注册:2002/10/31 23:58:32
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/3 1:37:17

大家喝杯茶,消消火。:) 还是那句话,想法肯定都有,难说谁对谁错,网上可以发表争论的网站很多,有兴 趣的话不妨多多光临那些地方。只是咱们到游子吟这儿就是为了玩谜,讨论这些问 题一是与主题无关,多数谜友可能根本不爱看,二是倘若为了这方面的想法差异而 伤了谜友感情,多没劲! 好了,这事就这样吧,还望大家理解我的苦心。 最后说一句,狼兄,你转那帖子,我知道你就是为了逗个乐儿,没把你上纲上线。 呵呵。

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等级:贡生 帖子:100 积分:382 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2002/12/28 21:52:03
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/4/7 14:36:13

以下是引用丛在2003-4-2 20:51:21的发言: 有各的理。不懂政治难道还不懂是非?当初谁仗着有刀有枪入室抢劫科威特来着?这种家伙早该教训!倒是百姓无辜,真为民着想,自觉下台不也是免了许多后来的纷争?可谁肯啊!宁愿 付出人民国家的代价!治理无赖太君子了反而麻烦,不是吗?

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等级:生员 帖子:27 积分:131 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2002/11/15 17:55:12
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/5/5 12:35:44

以下是引用羽在2003-5-5 1:58:32的发言:
admire, 其实美国入侵伊拉克和当年伊拉克入侵科威特没有本质区别,都是野蛮使用武力,都是为了石油,都是在战场上占据绝对优势,都把对方的人民带入痛苦混乱中,都是世界上大多数国家和人民所不耻的,都拒绝退兵。。。。。。我所能看到的唯一不同的就是美国打着虚伪的反恐反化武旗号罢了, 从这点上看,美国还不如伊拉克!
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-5 12:38:04编辑过]

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等级:总督 帖子:683 积分:2953 威望:0 精华:3 注册:2002/11/1 0:24:58
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/5/19 11:13:28

以下是引用丛在2003-4-2 21:51:47的发言: 刚才看到一条谜,抄来供欣赏--------萨达姆意欲吞邻邦(成语)作奸犯科
欢迎丛川谜长落草上山! 您是否把那头象换一换呀?

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等级:总督 帖子:683 积分:2953 威望:0 精华:3 注册:2002/11/1 0:24:58
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/5/19 11:20:57

以下是引用淡月清华在2003-4-2 17:37:24的发言: 呵呵,就是阿翁说的,为了这二亩三分地的平静,我不和你争论政治的话题。:)
其实转贴点儿什么政治东东到这儿也无大妨。重要的是阿翁说的别去争辩。 大家都是明白人,会心一笑也就罢了。

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加好友 发短信
等级:总督 帖子:683 积分:2953 威望:0 精华:3 注册:2002/11/1 0:24:58
  发帖心情 Post By:2003/5/19 11:45:05

以下是引用where在2003-4-1 17:22:43的发言: 下面这篇文章是我读到的反战文章中最为雄辩的。
WHERE, 去年你帮忙选购的书已经在郡图书馆上架出借,读者反应良好。 可以说这是为当地华人做了一件善事。既便利了华人读者,也提高了华人的形象。 “巴尔的摩太阳报”还报导了此事。下面是转载来的文章,请阅读。 我代表所有的读者谢谢你为选书付出的时间和努力。 老哈 Donation of Chinese books broadens library offerings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Jessica Valdez Sun Staff Originally published May 2, 2003 They can speak it. They can understand and listen to it. But many local Chinese children cannot read or write in Chinese. "There are very few children who can really enjoy Chinese literature," said Qin Wang, who volunteers at the Chinese Language School of Howard County. With English taught in county schools and Chinese spoken only within the family, area Chinese children easily lose grasp of their parents' language. But now they can go to the Miller branch of the Howard County library to read Chinese literature and strengthen their written skills. Almost 600 Chinese language materials have been donated to the Howard County Library system by the Chinese Language School and its principal, Qingyuan Han. The school, which teaches Chinese to area students, hopes the donation will help young Chinese children learn written Chinese and will encourage advanced students to read Chinese literature. "They donated a lot of Chinese classics and some novels," said Mai-leng Ong, the nonfiction and foreign language selector for Howard County. "There was also a children's collection that was more for learning the language." Made available to the public several weeks ago, the new books have become popular at the Miller branch, which has the largest population of Asian patrons in the county. "The materials have literally been flying off the shelf, as do much of the new materials that we have for our Asian community," Miller branch manager Ruth Newton said. While the books cost the Chinese Language School $3,000, the library estimated that the donation - including volunteer work and the cost of shipping - is worth $25,000. "[Han] went back to China to purchase the books, and we saved a lot of money," Wang said. "The library considers [the books to be] worth $10,000, because if they buy these books in America it would be that much money." Volunteers help Parent volunteer efforts saved the library the $15,000 it would have cost to prepare the books for circulation. Since the library system cannot accommodate Chinese script, parent volunteers transliterated all titles, authors and other publishing information into pinyin, the Roman alphabet version of Chinese. A professional would have charged $25 a book for the service. "The thing that makes this unique is the fact that the parents of the students at the Chinese school transliterated the titles for us, which helps us prepare it for processing," said Christie Lassen, spokeswoman for the library. "It was the volunteer efforts that made this really a large donation," Lassen said. Approximately eight to 10 parent volunteers transliterated all 600 titles at Howard Community College in November. The funds for the donation came from a $3,000 budget surplus at the school. "The school is a nonprofit organization so the students pay the tuition, but the administrators devote their time without any pay so there's a savings left over," Wang said. "Only the teachers are paid." Han returned to China last year to select the books. Library's access At first, the school wanted to create its own Chinese library with the funds, but Han realized that the school could not give the community daily access to the books. He added that the public library would make the materials available to a wider audience, including those not Chinese. "It's a very good effort, not only in terms of the Chinese books," Wang said. "It also lets the American society know more about Chinese culture." Copyright © 2003, The Baltimore Sun

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